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Super Drift 3D is an arcade racing game with retro graphics where you must drive while avoiding obstacles. The game features three different tracks, each with a different difficulty level: Cherry Mountain (beginner), Coastal City احصل على السعر
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Click on the images of the models to display them in 3D within your browser. or click on the link under each image to download the matching 3D model file. LAL 29 kB. Angle wardrobe cherry. CC-BY 1 kB. Arrow straight ahead. CC-BY 2 kB. Arrow turn left.احصل على السعر
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Microsoft Paint 3D is a powerful art and drawing program. The paint software is perfect for beginners and professionals alike. With a range of 3D tools and effects, the program lets you develop amazing models, while you work conveniently on your Windows PC. Since it’s Microsoft’s native application, it doesn’t affect system resources.احصل على السعر
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2015-1-19 Really, an awesome software. Free, downloadable version is fully working with no restrains on video duration, codecs use and speed (the only little limitations is that you can queue up to 5 videos in the batch this got unlimited احصل على السعر